With Illustrator, you can make your roomie’s dream come to life, especially if that dream is bringing pizza to your campus dining hall.
Try it yourself.
Make your own custom poster.
Download the Illustrator template ›
- Download the template (Pizza_Poster_Template.ai) and open Adobe Illustrator. Don’t have Illustrator? Download a free trial here.
- Choose File > Open from the navigation bar and browse to find your downloaded template.
- Triple-click “NAME HERE” to select all and replace with your roomie’s name. If you’re missing the font, click Sync Fonts to grab it from Adobe Fonts.
- Pick the Selection tool (the arrow symbol at the top of the Tools panel) and rearrange the illustrations on the page, as desired. Triple-click each pizza slice to select the whole slice.
- Add a picture of your roommate by clicking “File” on the navigation bar, then select to place the picture.
- Choose FIle > Print and print a test copy of your poster.
- Take a minute to appreciate your creation. Then print 50 more copies, and text your friends to help you hang these babies up.